Orlando Vargas
Orlando Vargas
Creating the project with `npx create-yew-app my-app` works fine but `npm start` uses parcel to build stuff and don't start the app in the browser. Here is the console of...
## Compiler version Scala: 3.3.3 ## Minimized code ```Scala trait ExampleTrait1 trait ExampleTrait2 class ExampleClass(traitOne: ExampleTrait1, traitTwo: ExampleTrait2) def fun[In](a: In): Unit = println(0) fun(new ExampleClass(_, _, _)) ``` ##...
Hi, i just cloned the repo and started to do try to start any project, no one starts. ``` sbt:demos> google-maps/start [info] Updating NPM dependencies [info] Using lockfile /home/nojipiz/Downloads/temp/Demos/google-maps/yarn.lock [info]...
The biggest changes in this update are: - SBT (to 1.10.1) - Scala version (to 2.13.14). - Akka. - Akka Streams. - Replaced `de.heikoseeberger.akka.sse `to `akka-stream-alpakka-sse`. - Removed warnings due...