
Results 11 comments of Nobody1707

I'd love to hear what the current easiest method is to do the kind of text rendering used for these kinds of games. ncurses is getting a bit long in...

I'm not sure you could do both topics justice in the same video, but they both sound good to me.

It would not be valid C++, but in C main is allowed to have an implementation defined signature that returns void. So it's merely non-portable C.

A related feature that C is getting is storage-class specifiers for compound literals. As you might remember, one of the big things keeping C++ from adopting compound literals is that...

This is a little more complicated than that. Two major C compilers (Clang & MSVC) consider this undefined behaviour as `&a[i]` is equivalent to `&*(a + i)` and therefore dereferences...

I just wish it were constexpr.

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