I am currently working on a Kalman Filter using umbrella for a personal project. If it is of interest, I can make some tweaks and add tests, and then submit...
Type error when constructing `MultivariateOptimizationResults` when using `Float32` and `IPNewton`
## Issue I get a `MethodError`when constructing the result `Optim.MultivariateOptimizationResults` when solving a interior point minimization problem using `Float32`s. The reason is that, by default, the `Optim.Options` are constructed using...
Evaluating the solution of an optimization procedure using ```julia discretization = PhysicsInformedNN(chain, QuadratureTraining()) prob = discretize(system, discretization) result = Optimization.solve(prob, BFGS()) discretization.phi([0.5], result.u) # Error here ``` yields the error...