Results 6 comments of NLPTech

Hi, you can add _setRxJavaErrorHandler();_ in the onCreate method of your Application class. Just like what we do in in this project.

@SardarKhan299 We have fixed it. Please upgrade to the latest version. Thanks.

> @NlptechProduct after upgrade to latest version some compilation error occurred . kindly check this. > AAPT: error: 'stickyOff' is incompatible with attribute backgroundType (attr) enum [empty=0, functional=2, normal=1, spacebar=6]...

@SardarKhan299 I ran it on my device successfully. It didn't happen on my phone.

@SardarKhan299 So do I. It works fine. Is it happening on this demo project or on your own project?

@SardarKhan299 Do you have this in your build.gradle file? lintOptions { abortOnError false }