The screen is coming up good in the higher end mobiles, but going to the MotoE4 the screen is not rendering the whole screen. The error doesn't pop up when...
I was creating a PDF file with the help of the PDF dependency & creating a file. Passed that file to the PDFView but getting an error stating as ```...
Say like I'm having 100000 rows to be placed in my app, can i just directly dump in and write queries in that as i was doing in android ```Room.databaseBuilder(mContext,POMaster.class,mContext.getDatabasePath(DB_NAME).getPath()).createFromAsset("dummyFromAsset.db")```
I'm having multiple tables which are introduced inside a **SingleChildScrollView**. I'm using the **Screensot** as the parent widget in the body of the **Scaffold**, but when i caputre the screenshot...
I was creating a PDF file with the help of the PDF dependency & creating a file. Passed that file to the PDFView but getting an error stating as ```...