
Results 8 issues of Nillx

Im wondering if its possible to use the function "Possess bar" on Teron when you get killed by Shadow of Death and transformed into a ghost? Currently its using the... I have my pet bar set to be hidden but im still seeing the "shine" effect.

Im farming Sha of Anger on 40 characters and i have all of them displayed like this: ![Untitled-1]( What do you think about an option that changes that window to...

🛠 Feature Request
✔️ Accepted

What do you think about the option that lets us change the target arrows into different shapes? Sometimes im having hard time spotting my target while its stacked ontop of...


I would love an option that lets us filter the loot from bosses. Something like showing only cloth gear and hiding the rest. Or something even better (thats too much...

Accepted ✔️

9.2.3 broke the addon in wotlk. Im getting this error now ``` 20x ...\Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\currencyDisplay.lua:45: attempt to call field 'GetBackpackCurrencyInfo' (a nil value) [string "@Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\currencyDisplay.lua"]:45: in function `Update' [string "@Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\currencyDisplay.lua"]:39: in...

:jeans: wildpants

I double checked that im using the TBC version v3-bcc. For some reason i cannot change the border texture by picking a different type from SharedMedia Border in Borders>Border Texture....


Getting this error after patch 10.0.2 ``` 1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'Bartender4' tried to call the protected function 'MultiBarRight:SetScaleBase()'. [string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function [string "=[C]"]: in function `SetScaleBase' [string "@FrameXML/EditModeSystemTemplates.lua"]:38: in...