any news with that?
HTTP status codes The HTTP standard provides over 70 status codes to describe the return values. 200 – OK – Everything is working 400 – Bad Request – The request...
> User logout(but not get response, because trouble in internet connection) . You say he is not getting a response. So how is he getting 200 status code? You can...
In this case, the user logged out correctly so the client has a token that does not exist. If he gets a 400 you can redirect him to the login...
The user does not see the API messages. The developer does. 2 Developers got confused from your Packages. I suggested a solution. It is as simple as that. As far...
If you pass API responses to the user and don't implement yours then something wrong is happening the first place.
What I am saying is self-explanatory. I found another case that this implementation may be wrong: We are using Token base authentication. The user is logged in in 2 clients...
Hello I used installation guide on a fresh Digital Ocean droplet. Choose no on two-factor phising. then I got an error for the missing certificates. Even if I put my...
Testing the module without 2fa and noticed 2 things. No creds kept when even if I successful redirect. And also google calls me for 2 factor. Is that an expected...
Also, I cannot set the config when posting on /config endpoint. {{domain}}/config?api_token= {{token}} the request is: ``` { "api_token": "token", "enable_2fa": true, "module": "gmail" } ``` Response is ``` 400...