Nikolay Khabarov
Nikolay Khabarov
Hello. Nice to know that problem is solved. If you experience problem in long delays before motors actually start moving on each command, try to use pypy( )
Just curious - what was the issue?
I've seen extruders which work 12V and 24V. Are you sure that you power up your extruder with correct voltage? At 100% power it should burn in few dozens of...
to check it with 100% confidence - connect heater directly to PSU - will it reach more than 180C? Be careful, good extruder shall reach 400-500C in 10-20 seconds and...
PyCNC knows only pin number which should be triggered if command for heatbed is provided. So calibration and anything else should work without heatbed. Calibration simply moves steppers slowly and...
Hello Hossein, You would need to add additional axis to your gcode. For example 'L'. So commands with laser would looks like: G1X10L100 which would mean that movement should be...
how did you install pycnc? using 'pip' or just 'git clone'?
Hello. Yes, you can. You can heat up extruder with M104 or M109 command. M104 command exits immediately, M109 waits until extruder reach specified temperature. Temperature can be specified in...
What do you mean by "motor is working bad" and "grind filament"? Do you have issue with pulse generation for motor? Does motor work find on idle(without filament)? Have you...
It can be updated. But I don't have RPi Zero or even RPi1(there is the same SoC like in zero) to test it. Most probably there is some issue(or lack...