
Results 45 comments of Nikky

i'd prefer env as a optional parameter on `run`, that is less indentation and more readable so like this: ```kotlin run( command = """ echo 'run your commands here' """.trimIndent(),...

chaining calls is nice.. but why not have the optional modifications at the end modify the thing and add the whole result to the steps ? that makes it possible...

alt- gr + '+' should make a ~ on german keyboard, instead it behaves like ctrl + '+' same with - (zoom in and out ?) it behaves differently on...

same issues on the Secure shell app although.. `789` work (for `{[]` ) `0` and `ß` dont (should give `}\` ) `+` and `-` also zoom in and out my...

also tested using the mosh plugin in mobaXterm (free version) (after some issues with not resolvbing the ip correctly) altgr key combos work fine there

it seems like any key that is used in combination with ctrl will act as ctrl key combo when used with altgr (in secure-shell) its also unable to type @...

this might be the issue.. it describes the same behaviour i have experienced:!topic/chromium-hterm/BQdhTAyaoGk

and for completeness using the example invokation from the comment at [transcoder.go#L9]( ``` /tmp/Transcodergo -input= --output=output.mp4 GOROOT=/usr/lib/go GOPATH=/home/nikky/go /usr/lib/go/bin/go build -tags ffmpeg33 -o /tmp/Transcodergo /home/nikky/dev/GCT/transcoder.go [NULL @ 0x2378e40] Opening ''...

sadly no progress on my end, i have no experience with ffmpeg whatsoever tried to get this maybe working on windows but it does not even install the package there...

my ffmpeg version is 3.3 i recorded my terminal session here: that should contain all the info.. i used your transcoder invocation.. except `--tags ffmpeg33` which probably explains it...