I don't know...
Where did you download it? Anyway, try to run it in debug mode. Worked for most people.
Since the issue is solved, I suggest closing it, so that anyone who wants to help doesn't get mislead.
@musicGoddess It's still not closed.
You can open `.js` files in notepad or whatever text editor you use.
How exactly did you close pesterchum? Click the `X` button? Since that moves it to the tray. Be sure to exit out of pesterchum by using the `Exit` option in...
What does the log file contain after trying to use debug?
@frogsDolphins Remember to press the little `Close Issue` button if your issue is solved.
i suggest you change the title to `logging out without warning` please
thx. anyways, not sure what's actually the problem. maybe corrupted install? i dunno. try reinstalling and see what happens