piggyback copied to clipboard
mysql really slow when running over piggyback
We're noticing that when piggyback is used to bridge a connection to MySql/RDS, a) it takes MySql much longer to connect to the datasource, and b) simple queries take much longer.
ssh -F ~/.ssh/piggyback -i ~/.ssh/my.pem -T -L 9997:my-rds-host:8080 {jumphostip}
$ cat ~/.ssh/piggyback
Host * !github.nike.com !github.com
SendEnv LANG LC_*
ServerAliveInterval 30
StrictHostKeyChecking no
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/piggyback proxy-host 443 %h %p
ServerAliveInterval 60
Connecting via MySqlWorkbench... The connection seems to establish within a few seconds, like it does without piggyback, but then something happens, and I get a spinner, and it stays there for ~ 30-45 seconds, and then I get a response.
Running queries shows similar effects. The query can take several minutes to run, but the actual execution time of the query is in milliseconds.
As a test, I ran this SQL (which isn't even valid SQL).
select now;
After hitting return, I got a spinner for ~30-45 seconds, and then an error. The execution time of the query that return the error is .098 seconds.
Something is introducing communication delays here.