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This tool allows you to tunnel SSH (using ProxyCommand) via HTTPS (with Squid Proxy). It is a python implementation of corkscrew, but over https (TLS) instead of http (plaintext).



This tool allows you to tunnel SSH (using ProxyCommand) via HTTPS (with Squid Proxy). It is a python implementation of corkscrew, but over https (TLS) instead of http (plaintext).

Why should I use this?

  • If you've been using corkscrew, it transmits your proxy authentication credentials in the clear over regular http.
  • This tool uses the built in ProxyCommand protocol that ssh supports, giving you full access to ssh and scp without wrappers.

Easy Installation

  1. brew tap nike-inc/nike
  2. brew install piggyback
  3. piggyback --config
  4. Follow the prompts and instructions!


  • Python 3: brew install python3


Like corkscrew, piggyback.py is a ssh ProxyCommand compatible program. It:

  • establishes a TCP session with the squid proxy
  • establishes an HTTPS session with the squid proxy with your credentials
  • pipes stdin → https, and https → stdout (per the ProxyCommand protocol)

Authentication Info

  1. Create a keychain password to contain your username and credentials
    1. Open Keychain Access
    2. Select your login keychain
    3. Select Passwords
    4. Click the + button at the bottom of the screen
  2. Name the entry piggyback
  3. For Account Name use your NT account


These instructions are for creating a stand-alone configuration file that you select on each invokation of ssh. You could get fancy with host selection in your global ssh config, but AWS's ip ranges don't make that easy.

  1. Create a file for your configuration: touch ~/.ssh/piggyback
  2. Edit that file with content similar to:
Host *
  SendEnv LANG LC_*
  ServerAliveInterval 30
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  ProxyCommand /path/to/piggyback.py squid.domain.com 443 %h %p
  ServerAliveInterval 60
  1. Make sure to edit your actual /path/to/piggyback.py
  2. Invoke ssh with the -F ~/.ssh/piggyback flag to make ssh read that configuration file.

Ad-Hoc Configuration

ssh allows you to pass in options on the command line with the -o flag. The content is the same as you'd have in your configuration file.

Here's an example:

ssh -A -o "ProxyCommand ./piggyback.py squid.domain.com 443 %h %p"

Additional Credentials Support

  • Get credentials from a file: --auth file -f /path/to/file
  • Create keychain passwords with different names: --auth keychain -k some_other_name


Tip: Send all SSH traffic through piggyback

To avoid having to pass -F ~/.ssh/piggyback all of the time you can make piggyback your default SSH configuration.

  1. Make it default mv ~/.ssh/piggyback ~/.ssh/config
  2. If there is a host wildcard, you will need to add host exceptions where needed e.g. !github.* !bitbucket.* in this example:
Host * !github.* !bitbucket.*
    SendEnv LANG LC_*
    ServerAliveInterval 30
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/piggyback squid.example.com 443 %h %p
    ServerAliveInterval 60

Tip: Learn general SSH config

The piggyback configuration file is just an SSH configuration file. You can use any configuration options normally available (e.g. man ssh_config). For example, if you use a different user name on your servers than locally, you can set the default user in ~/.ssh/piggyback. E.g. add User kermit in:

Host *
    User kermit
    SendEnv LANG LC_*
    ServerAliveInterval 30
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/piggyback squid.example.com 443 %h %p
    ServerAliveInterval 60

Another option is to add the IdentityFile directive, e.g. you might copy ~/.ssh/piggyback to ~/.ssh/dev, add the line IdentityFile ~/.ssh/dev-private-key.pem, and then ssh with ssh -F ~/.ssh/dev <ip-address> rather than ssh -F ~/.ssh/piggyback -i ~/.ssh/dev-private-key.pem <ip-address>.

Security Considerations

  • Don't enable insecure versions of TLS on your hosts!
  • https://docs.python.org/2/library/ssl.html#ssl-security