Nihantra C. Patel
Nihantra C. Patel
**We no longer provide support for version 13 or older.** Kindly upgrade to version 14 or 15, then refresh and check again because lots of bugs fixed in the new...
**We no longer provide support for version 13 or older.** Kindly upgrade to version 14 or 15, then refresh and check again because lots of bugs fixed in the new...
Hi @kid1194, **We no longer provide support for version 13 or older.** Kindly upgrade to version 14 or 15, then refresh and check again because lots of bugs fixed in...
Hi @zongo811, When using validation, add 'validated = false'. Example provided in Client Script Help. ```diff frappe.ui.form.on('Your DocType', { validate: function(frm) { msgprint("validate"); + validated = false; } }); ```...
Let me check.
> "eval: doc.ausgabe_an_mitarbeiter==0" You are facing an issue because you added a reverse condition 😅 You have to add like eval: doc.ausgabe_an_mitarbeiter Then reload and check it.
Hi @thida-bcn, **We no longer provide support for version 13 or older.** Kindly upgrade to version 14 or 15, then refresh and check again because lots of bugs fixed in...
Hi @Talleyrand333, Make sure to update your software to the latest versions 14 or 15. This will ensure that everything runs smoothly with the new changes. Thank You!
Hi @Kamereldawa, Session defaults cannot be set at the list view level; they are set at the form level. Please refer to the video for more details.