Ye Ming

Results 4 comments of Ye Ming

> 根据element plus的changelog,正确的升级方式应该是把vue-cli-service升级到最新版本,而不是跳过mjs的打包 已经修复

> 话说推荐把cli-service的插件也一起更新上去。。虽然目前看起来跨小版本没什么影响 都不敢乱升级哈哈

> How did you start it (I assume JDT-LS) from the command line ? Are you referring to the startup script at ? To build JDT-LS you would call...

> You should be able to use a local version of Maven to build the project. You can also use the `mvnw.cmd` wrapper script to automatically download a compatible version...