
Results 24 comments of NicolasWebDev

In that case, I think that really the first step would be to add an "Exercises" section to each of the concepts with maybe one exercise or two to begin...

And now? Pretty important feature. Would it be hard to generate in Dash format, to begin with? I read that Dash uses a program in Objective-C to do it. If...

Exporting to CSV would be much more portable indeed.

Personally, I think that to begin with a really simple wiki page on the subject would help HUGELY as a last resource, to avoid people from opening any more issues...

@matthewepler your solution works fine, and it seems pretty logical to not restart the express server when the client is modified.

I can confirm the problem. Only styling though.

Actually `h1 .my_key` is not a css class, but should be recognized by the _translator_ plugin as being ` h1 #{I18n.t '.my_key'}`. You can find the plugin [here]( for reference.

If you read carefully the Readme, in the example actually what is translated is the string 'Welcome to %1!', and the url is passed as a parameter. The explanation is...

I have not found many examples of the use of this plugin. I have not used it so far, because I was waiting on this issue. I hope that the...

@thinca, indeed, it would be really nice, even though I have no idea how you could achieve that ^^.