I personally think the second option would be more natural.
+1 Running on a nixos server with 24 GB or RAM (so ram isn't the issue). Headscale randomly (from what I can tell so far) get's stuck using 3% of...
~~@kradalby I would like to test the change that you have made - however I'm having an awful time trying to use the headscale flake. I've been using the nixpkgs...
I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I noticed while `watch systemctl status headscale` and `systemctl restart headscale` it appears to have closed the DB...
@kradalby The issue of the headscale server not responding has gone away. I've noticed a weird issue with the app where I need to log out, change the server and...
well, scratch that, now I keep getting prompted to re-register my phone when I try to connect to the server. But I'm not getting the same issue as before where...
I deleted my phone node, re-registered it, and I have not had any issues connecting in two days since!
I am also getting this issue with an `input` with: ```yuck (input :timout "1000ms" :onaccapt "eww update ... ; sleep 0.5s ; eww close") ```
I would like to note that I am not using luaJIT as far as I know, I am using the cli that comes up with `/bin/lua5.3`
I am having the same issue with total_duration returning None on any mp3 file