I would also like a feature like this, because the fuzzy feature is awesome. Maybe the selected items could be stickied to the top of the search results? I don't...
I have a pull request in for Callback functionality in the class Bindable_Hotkey
That project also requires the installation of Interception and the whole point of that project is to avoid using AHK.
Should the hotkeys be blocking as they are in AHK with `keyboard.block_key`, or maybe make it up to the user with default set to block? When a hotkey is called...
Does keyboard allow for hotkeys that catch mouse buttons like ahk?
do you want both in the project?
I am not experienced enough with ahk to make a websocket solution. But I can make file based data transfer easily enough. EDIT: I just found [this post]( where this...
Then there is also this file in a rather large github repo It is a header file for ahk and DotNet that send data to a port. This program...
Could you define "directive" in this use case?