Nick Volynkin

Results 12 comments of Nick Volynkin

Heh, I've overlooked the problem. I've got `bsdtar`, while `GNU tar` is required. So, `brew install gnu-tar` solved the problem.

Still not sure if this should be handled in the role.

The problem here is that we need to know the translators' emails that they've added to their GitHub accounts. These can be different from the emails known to Crowdin. Also,...

@danse maybe as a command line option for the writer: ```bash pandoc -f html -t rst --list-tables test.html -o result.rst ``` Although, in my opinion the list-table syntax is so...

@jgm in my company it's a question of documentation style guide. We have to choose one syntax option and stick to it. We chose list-tables for many reasons. Same with...

> honestly i am curious about the motivations you mention in favour of list-tables. @danse First, some insight into how I'm using Pandoc. We have lots of documentation in a...

@danse here's an [example of a list-table][ex] with paragraphs, block and inline code from our docs. [ex]:

> people might want certain tables to be list and others not Theoretically, yes. But in many cases the team styleguide defines one preferred style for tables in rST. In...

We've just replaced runners with new ones with the same labels.

Issue seems to be related.