
Results 9 comments of Nick.Hu


@YummyLau 我们现在有这样的需求,默认启动的时候走一套初始化流程,判断用户是否同意了隐私弹窗,如果是就继续走,否则弹出隐私弹窗让用户点击之后通过回调再初始化一部分的三方库,这种需求有API支持么

@YummyLau 用户同意了隐私弹窗,继续初始化某一个task,lock功能可以在回调完成之后释放某一个task的锁才让某一个task执行是么,如果一直不释放就一直不会执行对么

@YummyLau 我们现在保证稳定性做逐步拆解一开始只是拆成两个Task,每个版本迭代抽出一个task,目前我们这样写,貌似creator的creattask方法没有被执行,麻烦看下是不是使用姿势的问题 factory = new AnchorTaskFactory(instance); Project project = new Project.Builder(TasksName.PROJECT_ONE,factory) .build(); AnchorsManager.getInstance().debuggable(DuConfig.DEBUG).addAnchors( TasksName.TASK_SYNC,TasksName.TASK_INIT ).start(project);

The video is coming~ all of the problems are encounted in the video @alokedesai

> i tried it. but it does't work, here are messages of my mac ![image](

> Hi @NickHu150, Any luck with updating Warp to the latest version and your macOS to 12.6.1 or above? Thanks! all of the bugs were fixed.

that's not helpful, i changed NUMBER_OF_FRAMES_TO_PREPARE from 1 to 31 and CACHING_STRATEGY_FRESCO_CACHE_NO_REUSING to CACHING_STRATEGY_FRESCO_CACHE, but its not working. device:OnePlus 7T Android 10