
Results 7 issues of NickHarmer

I am attempting to create an NTFS VHD file containing two files. I'm using the Complete package from NuGet, in a .NET Core 3.1 server application. I am using the...

I am seeing very occasional 'enumeration is modified' exceptions when calling `Messenger.Send()`, as follows: ``` System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.KeyCollection.Enumerator.MoveNext() at...

I have an issue with my SkyWriter XL, using the latest RPi library and having updated to the latest firmware, I am finding that the XYZ coordinates returned by the...

The `VirtualDisk` class has static `OpenDisk()` methods which accept a file path as input. I have a use case where I don't necessarily know the disk type, but I only...

Is SevenZipSharp supposed to be able to handle VHD/VHDX files? When I put one into the 7-zip GUI it loads each partition at the top level and then shows each...

It was recently reported to me that GZIP archives containing files larger than 4GB do not extract correctly using SevenZipSharp. As we are all aware, the 7-zip EXE does not...

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### Fixes Issue #21 - what about MinIO? ### Description Adds support for specifying a `serviceUrl` parameter in the Aws.S3 connection string. Sanity check included to ensure `region` and `serviceUrl`...