
Results 22 comments of Nick222

Do I need a file "pandoc-zotxt.lua" for zotxt to work ?

I see the same Xubuntu 24.04 Rednotebook 2.33 deb from PPA "env WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 rednotebook" work OK

After install in Zotero BetterBibTeX - Zotero go in circle: Opened, BetterBibTex initializing - Need Restart Zotero - and again...

Xubuntu 18.10 local codepage UTF-8 Zotero 5.60 (latest version) BetterBibTeX disable I create new Zim-notebook with only-latin name in only-latin-name folder. Then I can on Zim-notebook page insert citation-link on...

May be it need to install "pandoc-zotxt.lua" - but how user can do it ?

After installing some TexLive packets in OS and then installing Better Bibtex to Zotero - it appear column "Citekey" in Zotero. Now I can insert citation in Zim by this...

When I click on citation in Zim - it opened browser and it say that "zotero://" cannot find. How I can change OS or browser or Zotero options to open...

In Better-Bibtex - I use this option: > [Auth]_[Title:select=1,3]_[year] > unchecking "Force citation key to plain text" and I get CiteKey in Russian ! But I cannot insert any...