Mikko Ahlroth

Results 10 issues of Mikko Ahlroth

**Summary** _What is the problem?_ Try to fill the "what are we missing" browser compatibility report for flex layout section on this page: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/gap **Steps To Reproduce (STR)** _How can...


My app immediately crashes on startup with ``` 20:39:12.827 [error] ERROR: Could not find 'wxe_driver.so' in: /data/user/0/io.elixirdesktop.example/files/app/lib/wx-2.2/priv 20:39:12.834 [notice] Application desktop exited: Desktop.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to...

When I start my app, it crashes immediately with ``` Starting beam... "/data/app/~~FKhNe6zQepp0iAw8dkkm4w==/io.elixirdesktop.example-OyaoOu7v7CwAl0mYQ0MkFQ==/lib/arm64/liberlang.so": ignoring DT_PREINIT_ARRAY in shared library! {"init terminating in do_boot",{#{'__exception__'=>true,'__struct__'=>'Elixir.ArgumentError',message=>},[{'Elixir.System','fetch_env!',1,[{file,"lib/system.ex"},{line,698}]},{'Elixir.Config.Provider','resolve_config_path!',1,[{file,"lib/config/provider.ex"},{line,185}]},{'Elixir.Config.Provider',boot,1,[{file, "lib/config/provider.ex"},{line,222}]},{init,eval_script,2,[]},{init,do_boot,3,[]}]}} ``` This is because in https://github.com/elixir-desktop/android-example-app/blob/d332169bcc968855848313f4bfda07d5e4d15027/app/src/main/cpp/native-lib.cpp#L99 the...

Hey, I noticed this repository does not seem to have license information. If no such license is added, the code is copyrighted and cannot be used by others (which is...

This occurs on Gleam 0.34.1 and 1.0.0 RC2. The `gleam.toml`: ```toml name = "dep_test" version = "1.0.0" [dependencies] gleam_stdlib = "~> 0.34 or ~> 1.0" lustre = "4.0.0-rc.2" gleam_json =...

help wanted

Hackney lists `parse_trans` as needed to be started at runtime, it was added in commit 92c0f4c4517e203fcd6dc700b4602e1e0067ede5 to `hackney.app.src`. Is it needed after compiling? The reason I'm asking is that I...

This is not an issue. Just thought you might be interested that I've published a [Gleam](https://gleam.run/) wrapper of Finch: https://hex.pm/packages/finch_gleam Let me know if you have any feedback. :)

macOS 10.14.3, Elixir 1.8.1 on Erlang 21. I only see a black screen and the fractal is not drawn. ![Screenshot 2019-04-12 at 10 02 54](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/273137/56018346-8ee5ed00-5d0a-11e9-98bf-fd6d3abe35bf.png) Anything I should try?

See the `gleam.toml` in , `gleeunit` is only a development dependency. But in the created `.app.src`, `gleeunit` is included as a dependency application: . Context: I managed to get `bigi`...

help wanted

Here's the code: ```gleam fn render_month_pages( config: Configuration, db: Database, compiled_posts: Dict(PostID, CompiledPost), views: Views, ) { let years = database.years(db) dict.fold(years, dict.new(), fn(acc, year, year_posts) { dict.fold(year_posts, acc, fn(acc2,...
