Hello, this error is happening for me too, it's been a few months, on several clients The Error occurs sporadically, as well as resolves itself after some time, This error...
I'm using version Maybe @cincuranet you can give me a light on how I can simulate this error? Because the error is happening now practically every day, but there...
I did the update, and apparently it had some effect, it's been 2 hours since the error doesn't occur, but I'll wait another day to definitely confirm
the problem persists, but with less intensity, since the update to version the problem only happened once and during a period of heavy use,
Hello, Yes I managed to get around, Basically what I did was put a good part of the queries that are executed in REDIS Cache to avoid a query in...
@cincuranet , when trying to create a separate project that simulates exactly what my software does, the problem is not repeated, indicating that there is some other factor that is...
Sorry @cincuranet I didn't have enough time to set up the example and dismember it from my system, end of year is complicated
Hello, is there any chance this change will be implemented in the next version?
OK I found a way to simulate the error, although it is in a forced situation I managed to catch the error when checking a programmer error, In this example...
@cincuranet Please let me know if you were able to simulate with the project sent, thank you very much