Nguyen Van Thanh
Nguyen Van Thanh
In pytorch, we have 'expand_as' which check dim before expand. I'm aware of 'repeat' layer as replace for 'expand' but could you add 'repeat_as' as expand for 'expand as' ?...
Can you share some benchmark when using this library vs when not use it? Thank you.
I run ```` I face problem ` ----- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 dataset = YooChooseBinaryDataset(root='.') in __init__(self, root, transform, pre_transform) 6 class YooChooseBinaryDataset(InMemoryDataset): 7 def...
Can you provide datasets to other domain such as google drive/ dropbox ? To download from Baidu require account and I'm not from China nor have China phone number. Thank...
Hi, I'm beginer in this lib, so I'm not sure if I've done anything wrong. I tried to compare between FFCV and vanila pytorch. So I measure time between 2...
I'm trying to run predict and retrain your network. When i run code to predict, i use command: `python3.7 --command predict --output_dir . --image_dir ./of500_images_resized --dataset_dir . --weights_file 0.23782721560846543.model...
The zipfile in your google drive link of all image is unzippable. Please fix. Tks.