Also possible to do (if assembly contains that information) - [ ] Set a compile tool as `XamlIntelliSenseFileGenerator` for .xaml files instead of `MSBuild:Compile` now
I'm sorry, probably I should create a separate issue thread for WPF issues with devexpress framework xaml files? I tried to compile one of examples in DevExpress v21.2 library (_DevExpress.StockMarketTrader.Wpf_...
Also for successful compilation of exported project, it should add a **partial** keyword to class like `public partial class App : Application` `public partial class MainWindow : ThemedWindow, IComponentConnector` and...
I think reflexil always show **return default(..)** but not the current body of the method. It can be improved in future versions, maybe, but now I'm using a copy (in...
If I'm using --with-branches option, i'm stuck in infinite loop of looking for "branch restoring" changeset Very bad
Workaround... I'm last version on 11 january 2016 i can clone TFS repository without --with-branches flag. Branches were in result GIT repo, but their names were deleted. In last version...
Yes, i cloned without --with-branches flag, and may be it fixed in newer versions
May be we should label, that this project is **deprecated** due to the thing that IB doesn't allow version 974.4g as of now?
Можно прошерстить всю таблицу обезличенных сделок ``` function main() n = getNumberOf(“all_trades”) order={} message(“total “.. tostring(n) .. “ of all trades”, 1) for i=0,n-1 do trade = getItem(“all_trades”, i) --...
It seems I can't create a token with all the permissions required. Slack offers to create App Token only