
Results 15 comments of Neverforgetlove

Currently, using ROS can only control the two EndIO, which is not yet supported for 485 protocol

You can use the robot's SDK to control the end 485 to control gripper.This is a relatively complex process that is difficult to describe here. You can request explanations docs...

It dosen't provided collision detection function when you use ROS to control the robot.But you can get the joint effort in topic /joint_states ![aa2a238607edd0bcebd7311731b9209](

Only can use joint effort to judged it now

We didn't have attempted the robot simulations in VREP. May I know which kind of elfin5 model ? Do you have try different models from the elfin_model?

You can try this command: sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-joint-trajectory-controller, and catkin_make again

1. When you say joint status, do you mean the joint angle between the starting point and the end point of the trajectory? 2. Zero force functionality is not currently...

1. In fact, you can see the joint radian position_tmp1 and position_tmp2 from the read_update function in elfin_ros_control/src/elfin_hardware_interface.cpp. You can customize a topic to publish it. 2. We are developing...

I can't determine what happened from this picture,but we have recently integrated some grippers and currently preparing to update them. I can send you some packages to reference.

Yeah, I already know your email and I will send it to you later