@ViRb3 Try changing blocked response TTL under low-level settings to a higher value, eg. 3600, seems to work for me. I have been searching around for a fix and this...
> I'm actually facing high battery drains when device is idle on iOS 15.5 using the full tunnel mode for DNS blocking. Using a high TTL (7200s) didn't solve the...
How large are your blocklists?
Could you share what are your most active domains/companies under activity page? Do switch to “all time”. Also, how much battery drain do you experience after a night of shut...
Hi @jedisct1, First of all, thank you for your time and effort on this wonderful software. Would like to understand if there is anyway I could check the keys are...
Thanks @jedisct1, fixed the issue with file permission and nobody user privilege, now it is working fine :)