Results 5 issues of N37W0RK

E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/krzemin/qnapi/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See...

Is it node v8 / v10 compatible ? because info file states that v6 is targeted. SO is it just not updated info or not tested on version 8 or...

![Image+2019-08-03+at+12 04 47+AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16330298/62401223-8c8df400-b582-11e9-8163-e12405e0fb7d.png) If the event is set from 10AM to 11PM same day, or 2PM today to 3PM tommorow, the tab showing existence of that event is shown as...

What does UPGRADE AVAILBLE means in console status at bottom ? the place where you have CONNECTED , CONNECTING.. and one last question, how to broadcast the battery level in...

Hello, I'm looking for example and explanation how to use : https://github.com/delian/node-unifiapi I have some AC-Pro aps, and cloudkey G2. i have configured the key, included the aps, and turned...