
Results 10 issues of NetForces

Hi, Great project and I see a lot of momentum on it right now. Is there any plans to support traffic control using device MAC address ?


I'm trying to get Navit to start using the `internal` gui but with it's _drawing_ window starting let's say 10 pixels from the top of the screen. I tried different...

In the case where the fluent server becomes unavailable the logging for all transports stop logging and not only the fluent one. I was able to reproduce this with a...

Amazing project ! How can we backup when running in a docker instance ? Is everything in the MySQL database ? Images also ?

``` [Fri Jun 16 11:09:17 2017] Processing mega (platform: atmelavr, lib_deps: SdFat, Thread,,, upload_speed: 115200, board: megaatmega2560, framework: arduino) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose`...

**Describe the bug** Service has been working for several hours receiving and writing data, then the node went dead. ![image]( **To Reproduce** (Required) Not sure at this point **Expected behavior**...


**Describe the bug** I am running the latest LinDB on Ubuntu 20.10 as a service with the following unit file ``` # /etc/systemd/system/lindb.service # This file is managed by ansible,...



I have been having sporadic reboots when using this. It might have to do with the fact that my device sleeps, but I am not sure. When a reboot occurs,...