
Results 13 issues of Neronjust2017

Can I test this on ropsten? I did not find the address of SoloMargin contract on Ropsten. Is it only possible on Kovan testnet and Mainnet?

Hi, thanks for your great work! I wonder if the GPU memory usage will grow linearly with the parameter "num_ens" in the code? If I increase "num_ens", there will be...

Hi, I convert my keras model to onnx using keras2onnx. However, when I try to convert the onnx file to TensorRT file, I encountered the following warnning "Your ONNX model...

Hi Fengchun, After I download and process MNIST dataset and run "", I got the following error: "RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers...

Hi, I wonder whether the SoloMargin contract was deployed on Ropsten testnet? It seems the contract is currently deployed on Mainnet and Kovan.

### Duplicates - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Summary 💡 Is it possible to replace Can chat-GPT with local offline model? For example, gpt4all, LLaMa, etc ###...

needs discussion

Hi, I want to save gas with solidity inline assembly when calling UniswapV2 pair's swap function. Here is my code: ``` pragma solidity >=0.8.0; import "./interface/IERC20.sol"; import "./lib/SafeTransfer.sol"; contract Mycontract...

I'm trying to send a flashbot Bundle with several transactions. I use the following code to sign and send a bundle: ``` const signedTransactions = await flashbotsProvider.signBundle([ { signer: MyWallet,...

If one of the transactions in the flashbot bundle fails, will the status of Ethereum be rolled back? For example, if the thrid transaction fails in a bundle, will the...