
Results 8 comments of NeomMob

@ColdGrub1384 , did you fina a way to improve this situation? I also saw that the speed can be seriously impacted by the number and the type of regular expressions...

@nathfreder Thanks for your suggestion. We are not talking about this amount of lines. Here we can feel some speed issue after 1000 lines which is not that much/

This is also something I am looking for.

Thanks for you answer and all the support you provide. Actually it happens when the page containing the chart is scalled down (using a transform). Do you apply any kind...

@netil Thanks for the time passed to investigate the issue. I forked your stackblitz in order to reproduce the issue: here is the modified version:

@netil any idea from where the issue come from and how I can help you to find the root cause? Thanks

@netil Thanks for your time for investigating this. Unfortunately, 1. does not solve the issue (at least in the context I am using it) and I would like to avoid...