Teo Sartori
Teo Sartori
That would be super cool. Don't hesitate to let me know and if you need a place to stay I'm sure I can arrange something.
Sounds great guys. Look forward to meeting you all :)
Link to meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-IPFS-Meetup/events/227695770/
So now we just need a surprise visit by @jbenet
Thanks :)
@diasdavid @whyrusleeping When are you in Copenhagen? We could schedule a Meetup there for you if you're interested. And it'd be good to see you guys again :)
@diasdavid @whyrusleeping Oh shit, just looked at the date. Never mind :(
@whyrusleeping TBH that is the best solution :)
Oh, and thanks for actually writing this! 😊