
Results 11 comments of TareqB

Hi there, in my poor understanding of the EdiAttributes, the EdiSegmentGroup is treated as EdiSegment, that means, you cannot create an EdiSegment and then, create a EdiSegmentGroup out of it...

Hi @cleftheris, as I'm using reflection.emit to generate the POCO classes, it looks like a EdiPath (`CUX[0][0]`) because the ~~reflected constructor~~ EdiSegmentGroup.SequenceEnd.ToString() convert it to that: ```csharp private static void...

Hi, I'm not sure about which format is the simplified diagram, but I'm pretty sure the standards for that one differentiates between both NAD Segments with a different segment number,...

Here a working example where I have two NAD's (SG2 and SG5) for the following diagram (MSCONS) ![2017-04-26_09-17-15](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3227198/25422641/df80acce-2a61-11e7-9efe-b51061af18ca.png) ``` [EdiSegmentGroup("NAD[0][0]", SequenceEnd = "UNS")] public class MSCONS_SG2 { [EdiValue("X(3)", Path =...

Playing around with your example: > +UNA:+.? ' > +UNB+UNOC:3+1234567891123:14+7080005059275:14:SPOTMARKED+101012:1104+HBQ001++++1' > +UNH+1+QUOTES:D:96A:UN:EDIEL2+S' > +AAA+1' > +AAA+2' > +AAA+3' > +UNS+D' > +AAA+1' > +BBB+INSIDE:THE:AAA:SG+1' > +AAA+2' > +BBB+INSIDE:THE:AAA:SG+2' > +AAA+3'...

So, playing around with your example, I saw it was missing one of the UNS so I modified it: > UNA:+.? ' > UNB+UNOC:3+1234567891123:14+7080005059275:14:SPOTMARKED+101012:1104+HBQ001++++1' > UNH+1+QUOTES:D:96A:UN:EDIEL2+S' > UNS+H' > AAA+1'...

Hi, I think you may be talking about CONTRL or APERAK?, I have to implement it as well but I have not think so much on it as first I...

Hi @KoosBusters, You are right, APERAK should be check after the serialisation of the message as it can exists different agreements from the standard ([AHB](http://www.edi-energy.de/)) (German) between partners. The CONTRL...

Hi, here an updated list of error codes that is valid since 01.10.2014 - Open, since the one you are referencing are quite old and the majority has been deprecated,...

Hi @KoosBusters, sorry for the late response, I was on vacations. I'm currently (still) working on the APERAK, I have made an xml for a specific process (MSCONS- 13008) with...