Arthur Stolyar
Arthur Stolyar
Can you add a section to README which describes what isn't working/isn't compatible with AppCache?
I know it's too early for speed optimizations, just wanted to point out some way of doing so for text measurement, because it's what runs frame rate in the app...
Possible API: ``` js new OfflinePlugin({ cacheMaps: [ { matchPath: [/^\/\w+\.html$/], to: '/app-shell.html', // possible values 'navigate', 'cross-origin', 'normal' // special case: `requestType: 'any'`? requestType: ['navigate'] }, { matchUrl: function(url)...
If filename is specified as `filename: '../index.html'`, generated file path may be `/bundles/../`. Technically it isn't wrong, but who knows. See:
In watch mode, on a second and following rebuilds `offline-plugin` reports it cannot find `index.html` or in output assets. `index.html` is being added with `html-webpack-plugin`. Same happens with assets added...
This includes live reload and Hot Module Replacement. In those cases `offline-plugin`'s cache functions should do nothing, i.e. not handle `fetch` event. Reasons: someone may want to test push notifications...
See this issues as an example of possible misuse of options.
Some info here: Project for uninstalling here:
`updateStrategy` seems to be pretty popular in search request in the repo. Probably makes sense to have an explanation on it a link it from property description.