
Results 17 issues of NeilMacMullen

First of all - _GREAT_ library - I'm using this extensively in a suite of command line tools that need to input time ranges and it's so much more intuitive...


Firstly - thanks for really fantastic extension! I don't do a lot of image editing but when I do it's _so_ useful to be able to open an image in...

**Bicep version** 1.23.0 **Describe the bug** ARM templates associated with Visual Studio deployment projects (*.deployproj) have a couple of variables that point to the artefacts. These are typically defined like...

good first issue
story: decompiler

I'm using LazyCache in a web role to cache access to some Azure tables. Occasionally (every few days) we get a request from the customer to change some of the...

Would make it a lot easier to jump around projects. Probably blocked by #28

good first issue

If we move to Monaco for the template window as in #42 it _ought_ to be possible to use Scriban syntax colouring. Technically we could implement this in AvalonEdit as...

help wanted

The example projects are a bit weak at the moment - if you have a better one please raise a PR !

help wanted
good first issue

It would be quite neat if the UI could be used to put together a template and possibly definitions and helper models and then this could be fed to the...


For a YAML or CSV property like `p: "123"` the presence of surrounding quotes should be enough to force the property to be imported as a string rather than a...

good first issue

It should be possible to click on an error and be taken to the line that caused it
