- [ ] Wage Data - Add a Source Employer: state field need a validation after 2nd-time review if it's unselected (empty value)
The Section14c is required to update the site to match with the DOL new design. Resources:
- [ ] On employer section, a total number of workers with disabilities has to be equal to a summary of all 4 categories - [ ] On worksite&employees section,...
- [ ] Copy only data not button - [ ] Update title/header in sheet
On Employees section: When the fields of "Name" or "Type of work performed" have long length. On WIOA Section: When the fields of "Name" or "last name" have long length....
Dashboard: UI- Application dashboard should list the employer information from the Application Data.
Application dashboard should list the employer information from the Application Data. API: #919
- [x] DATATABLE: Fix Date Submitted sorting
- [x] Change "forgot password" parent breadcrumb from '/dashboard' to '/login' - [x] Update login status only successfully loading data from API
Scenario: In the Employer tab of the 14c online application, User selects ‘Yes’ for the question ‘Does this employer currently hold any contracts covered by the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act(SCA)?’...
- [ ] Get the Last Modified Date from an in-progress application to show on the dashboard instead of from organization.