Nathan Skene

Results 9 comments of Nathan Skene

Tried running this but didn't seem to work. It opened a general amazon UK window but didn't go to the fresh delivery page... then announced it had found a delivery....

Thanks for responding! Am using safari and browsed to that page. Is this ( the delivery page for you? I get this: This seems to be the correct delivery webpage...

I'd figured it was 'Umbrella'... hadn't read it properly. Turns out 'background genes' doesn't even open in evernote properly. It's an absolutely massive single column table. Have attached it to...

Thanks for responding (and for developing the package!). Ran this to confirm I still get the error: ``` > pacman::p_load("BiocStyle",try.bioconductor=TRUE,update.bioconductor=TRUE) Installing package into ‘/home/nskene/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Installing package...

This would be really useful

Dropping these two arguments gets rid of the error: save_dir="result_pbmc3k", dims=[adata.shape[1], 32, 16], Both of them need to be dropped though. Otherwise all arguments (except adata) are kept as in...

I had the same error. I have made an amended version of the config file in a fork that looks for the file in: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" The amended file is here:...

Link to the dataset is here: Password is "trainingData"

I've got the same issue: The repository ' disco Release' does not have a Release file ![image](