Nathan Neff
Nathan Neff
Gollum will create a page called "pages" with links to all the pages in a gollum wiki. Can gollum-site also generate this? Thanks, --Nate
Hello -- I followed the documentation in the -- I put addSbtPlugin("com.dscleaver.sbt" % "sbt-quickfix" % "0.4.1") into `~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt`. However, nothing was applied when I started sbt. I found the...
gr should open the test report, and find the exact spot where the error/test failed. You can do this by grepping for a certain pattern.
If you're in create.gsp and jump to controller, it will go to def create = { }
I copied this issue from the helm project [0] to the helm-org project: When using org-mode 9.2 and higher, set-tags was broken. It was displaying the set of tags correctly...