Nathan Flurry
Nathan Flurry
We don't have the bandwidth to keep working on this project at the moment, but we're happy to review and publish any pull requests. Thanks!
I get this error consistently when using with a tool similar to [cargo-watch]( Seems like the Eclipse Corrosion plugin is having a [similar issue]( This is likely an issue somewhere...
Just got a ping about this -- do you need anything from me on this? Would love to contribute!
* **#776** 👈 * `main` This stack of pull requests is managed by Graphite. Learn more about stacking. Join @NathanFlurry and the rest of your teammates on Graphite
* **#691** * **#677** * **#681** * **#636** 👈 * **#675** * **#664** * **#661** * **#660** * **#650** * **#649** * **#663** * `main` This stack of pull requests...
Closing in favor of OpenGB
Will likely go with the last X lines no matter what.
converting to draft bc of last comment
Closing for now since this issue hasn't come up again, and this has a high probability of unintended side effects/failure states. Will revisit as needed.
* **#726** * **#725** 👈 * **#644** : 1 other dependent PR ([#728]( ) * **#739** * `main` This stack of pull requests is managed by Graphite. Learn more about...