
Results 8 issues of Natesky9

No advancements (vanilla or otherwise) are broadcast, despite the "achievements" config set to true MC version 1.12.2, DiscordChat version 1.12.2-2.3.0

With colored teams, the death message sent to discord retains the formatting characters. MC » §8Morinor§r hit the ground too hard MC » §dVadersFist501§r was shot by Skeleton MC »...

Part 1: Bee bait will only pipe into the "container" slot of the crucible furnace, with any method of item transport. Bait can still be manually placed into the input...

This one took a bit to figure out, and some NBT snooping was needed to find the cause. Breeding two fish and incubating the eggs from two identical parents yields...

Every generation, the temperature tolerance of hatched fish is higher than the parents, leading to unstackable offspring. Tested with Minnows and Cod, and it seems that it always caps at...

Cooking an enchanted pearl in the Crucible furnace with the [Ethereal upgrade] yields an unenchanted pearl with NBT data different than a regular pearl, and do not stack. They will...

Several fish do not have icons, and are naturally obtainable through the autofisher

Adding the inventory upgrade to a sifter works, but does not sift anymore. Items placed inside do not convert, even when pulled from with a hopper. Dropping items on top...