Neevash Ramdial (Nash)

Results 5 issues of Neevash Ramdial (Nash)

In previous versions of the Flutter IntelliJ plugin, users had the option to enables an experimental log view "Flutter Logging". While not perfect, this feature brought significant improvements for working...


When closing a page containing the video player and an active live stream, the following error is thrown. Linked #9 ``` ════════ Exception caught by scheduler library ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ This widget...

When navigating away from an active Livestream, an error is thrown by the File System. This occurs on both iOS and Android. ``` E/flutter (18642): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: FileSystemException: Cannot...

Updated package to use: - The latest version of Flutter stable - Latest meta version - Latest http version

At the moment, we are not set up with any testing/mocking libraries for `stream_video_flutter`. As we move towards a more mature API layer, let's begin exploring a testing/mocking framework for...