It can overload servers if you want to download hundreds of files one after the other.... Nice work!
Can't download URLS with Chinese Characters: ex. https://WEBSITE/%e4%b8%9c%e6%96%b9%e6%9c%89%e9%a1%b6%e5%a4%a9%e6%a2%a6-the-top.html
Is to create a comprehensive and complete visual image organizer, that can organize visually similar images and videos into *** topic folders and subfolders ***. Great software development so far...
Can you create an option to target a specific width or height please?
Automatically delete original file immediately after processing original file successfully ... a requested feature.
Video2x can currently only process a single folder at a specific resolution, say 1920p x 1080p, or some other ratio / resolution. you need to be able to add to...