Results 20 issues of P Ξ D R O L U Z

Having this struct ``` type BasicInfo struct { FirstName string `json:"first_name,omitempty" db:"first_name" valid:"alpha,required"` LastName string `json:"last_name,omitempty" db:"last_name" valid:"alpha,required"` Gender int `json:"gender" db:"gender" valid:"int,required"` } ``` When i pass an int...


Can someone add: ### Using use-package: ``` (use-package afternoon-theme :ensure t :init (load-theme 'afternoon)) ``` to the readme. thanks

Is there any gitflow configuration file that can be shared, so that gitflow works the same way across all developers in a team. There are several "ways" that gitflow works,...

it would be good if we could get something like ```js ... const coverprofile = options.coverProfile ? '' : '-coverprofile=coverage.out' return go_utils_1.runGoCommand(context, 'test', [sources, cover, race, coverprofile], { cwd });...

When I run the command: ```bash flutter pub add easy_localization ``` It always installs: ``` Resolving dependencies... + easy_localization 1.3.0 (3.0.0 available) + flutter_localizations 0.0.0 from sdk flutter + flutter_web_plugins...

Like so many other faker libraries, is it possible to generate fake bool values and OneOf. I think that bool is easy to understand, but with OneOf, I was searching...

## Description This problem happens during the running of migrations when it tries to create a new `schema_migration` table, on an empty database on MySQL 8. It looks like at...

s: triage

This is not an Issue and I apoligise for it. But I wanted to ask if I'm monitoring recursively some folders, and there is a change that affects 20 files,...

in your emacs-org your configuration is `org-return-follows-links t` but i think the correct name is `org-return-follows-link t`

When I try to use this lib, to call my MPD server im getting ``` Unexpected status line: OK MPD 0.20.0 ``` on the client and: ``` Apr 09 17:15...