Edit: added another error message that pops out. [14:15:25.899][INFO] pre - Starting up... [14:15:25.922][INFO] cli - Connecting to osu!Bancho... [14:15:46.959][ERROR] lobby - @Lobby#raiseNetError connect ETIMEDOUT Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
Exception: Cannot add GateCollector on Laravel Debugbar: Target [Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate] is not instantiable while building [Barruvdh\Debugbar\DataCollector\GateCollector]. `vendor/barryvdh/.laravel-debugbar/src/LaravelDebugbar.php#663` I just updated Laravel version to v11.18.0 and updated other packages as well, is...
I got this error after trying to use PiniaSharedState in my code. The pinia version I am using is 2.1.4. I believe this error is a circular dependency error. `const...