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Controlling Arduino based MultiWii drone using esp8266


Controlling Arduino based MultiWii using esp8266

Recently I made Adruino based drone
Arduino nano with mpu6050 as flight controller
esp8266-01 for controlling drone

Instead of traditional radio control, esp8266 can be used as cheap alternative(No to fancy drone stunts and lot of features). I came across this https://www.instructables.com/id/Wifi-PPM-no-App-Needed tutorial by Andi23456 (Andi Mösenlechner), using PPM mode for drone control. For detailed instructions on how to bulid esp8266 contoller please follow above link.

Setting PPM out pin

    Default output pin 5, which is for other than esp-01
    For esp-01 set within pin 0 to 2 (pin 3 for Debug)

MultiWii Flight Contoller

    In config.h uncomment PPM mode, PWM mode is set as default.
    In my case as I used Arduino, PPM input pin is D2
