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Controlling Arduino based MultiWii drone using esp8266
Controlling Arduino based MultiWii using esp8266
Recently I made Adruino based drone
Arduino nano with mpu6050 as flight controller
esp8266-01 for controlling drone
Instead of traditional radio control, esp8266 can be used as cheap alternative(No to fancy drone stunts and lot of features). I came across this https://www.instructables.com/id/Wifi-PPM-no-App-Needed tutorial by Andi23456 (Andi Mösenlechner), using PPM mode for drone control. For detailed instructions on how to bulid esp8266 contoller please follow above link.
Setting PPM out pin
- Default output pin 5, which is for other than esp-01
- For esp-01 set within pin 0 to 2 (pin 3 for Debug)
MultiWii Flight Contoller
- In config.h uncomment PPM mode, PWM mode is set as default.
- In my case as I used Arduino, PPM input pin is D2