
Results 6 comments of NandaKishoreJoshi

I'm also facing the same issue as @Jaise152 after installing all the packages on databricks..

> Three packages are tested when trying to import cdt.causality.graph.PC : > > ```python > if not (RPackages.pcalg and RPackages.kpcalg and RPackages.RCIT): > raise ImportError("R Package (k)pcalg/RCIT is not available....

> ```python > > ``` Hi Diviyan, Can you ping me the path from where this error is getting generated (the image you have shown) . It can help...

Hi Diviyan, Is there any particular order to install these packages? Or the below order should be fine Step 1: %r library(devtools) install_github("ericstrobl/RCIT") library(RCIT) RCIT(rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000)) RCoT(rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000)) RCoT(rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000),matrix(rnorm(2000),1000,2)) Step 2: %r...

I'm able to run the code now after installing all the dependent R packages and creating it as a init script on the databricks cluster. Below is the packages I...

Even I'm facing the same issue. Let me know if anyone know the solution to this issue or any other way to preprocess the data