
Results 7 comments of NamelessDev

> Unfortunately this isn't allowed in the current format, maybe that's possible with a third party website. Maybe a python crawler can be written to solve this problem.

> 是我没理解吗,这个插件支持toc啊,你没看readme吗 确实是这样子的,有阵子没用了忘记了。

> 能增加个目录功能吗?markdown内容太长的时候,没有目录的话,查看内容比较麻烦,也没有条理,阅读检索起来比较困难 `:Toc` 看一下吧,解决了是不是可以把这个 issue close 了?

> MacOS Big Sur 11.2 版本 > > 1. Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': { -> mkdp#util#install() }, 'for': ['markdown', 'vim-plug']} 这种方式安装成功。 > 2. 添加了README config中的设置,没有任何变化。 > 3. 进入到md文件运行:MarkdownPreview 没有任何反应。 >...

> Hi there. I'm using coc with neovim on my Linux machine for c++ development. > > I'm a pro tabnine subscriber and would like to use the local model....

Unfortunately, it also didn't work for me, though I install `xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git`. > hyprland released own fork of xdg-desktop-portal-wlr. This fork supports window capture