Naman Shergill

Results 111 comments of Naman Shergill

>Try to use fragmnets like this >``` >query { > y{ > __typename > > ...fragment >} >``` > >It will generate separete mixins and you'll be able to refer...

> I'm not quite sure what you mean here. What's the issue? He means an error builder where one can show an error widget if the svg failed to load

The current best workaround according to my research is: ```dart static Future getAccessTokenFromDevice() async { const _storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); try { final accessToken = await 'accessToken'); return accessToken; }...

> @NamanShergill Which version of the package are you using? Does this issue still persist? `5.0.2`, and yes, it still happens.

> > > @NamanShergill Which version of the package are you using? Does this issue still persist? > > > > > > `5.0.2`, and yes, it still happens. >...

> Same error today. > @NamanShergill there a reason you use _storage.deleteAll() instead of just deleting the key with _storage..delete(key: "accessToken")? I am a bit hesitant to delete all data...

> > If you use version `5.0.2`, make sure you use this option when creating the instance: > > ``` > > FlutterSecureStorage(aOptions: AndroidOptions( > > encryptedSharedPreferences: true, > >...

Wew this one will be a hard one to debug. Thanks for letting me know.

Thank you for your inputs! You're right, this screen could use some work. I will work on improving it. Also, I seemed to have missed your previous issue when you...