Naman Malhotra
Naman Malhotra
>   Buttons not functioning. Could You Please explain your error?
> I havent read the code. But the issue could be that it's unable to scrape data for the products nor is able to do **anything** upon clicking the search...
> > Okay, If You Are Not getting Scrape Data, then check your Scraper --> Index.ts, Check Your index.ts file... It will help you to fetch data. if you still...
Hey, Are You Still Facing any Error ? If Yes , First Check You Clerk --> Organizations  Check If it is showing the Organization You made ,...
Check Your Commnunity Code --> Id and Page.tsx and Community Action Code , or could you please share that
Hey ,Kashan Haider , I saw Your Code and I found that In You Community Code in [id]--> page.tsx You Imported ProfileHeader but you are not using that  i have Organizations in clerk but it not in mongodb Please Re-Check Community Code and MongoDb Schema (Community Schema)
> > > > here is my code please fix for me =((( Okay I am Sharing My Code with You , You can replace it Community Card :-...
> Can some one help me out with my code unable to figure out the communities part Okay, Could you please elaborate, on what type of issue you are facing?