pls add .sql to the name of the gist, so its easier to read :)
seems like Orgrimmar dont have a Portal to Blasted Lands on retail anymore. (or Im totaly blind :D)
Seems to happen with every Gob with lootable Questitem. Same happens if you try to loot the Gnomecorder for the Quest:
cant reproduce this. titans Grip works as intended for me.
10.0.7 Sniff: [0] SpellID: 52970 (Levitate) Does this spell exist back in 335a? ^^
Which Ground movement? This Proto Drake always flys next to you. [1] MovementFlags: 201327104 (DisableGravity, Waterwalking, FallingSlow) Waterwalking, FallingSlow are applied with the Aura.
Current state for Dragonflight: - [x] Warrior [60 - 70] - [x] Paladin [62 - 70] - [x] Hunter [60 - 70] - [X] Rogue [60 - 70] - [X]...
stats are updated with SimC data for Dragonflight.
Maw of Souls & Halls of Valor are spawned.
Quest "Hidden No More" in Mardum use also spawntracking for the Rockslide gob at the entrance of the cave. [66] Object Guid: Full: 0x2C3CC8B920EF4D40007CDC000002D818 GameObject/0 R3890/S31964 Map: 1481 (Mardum) Entry:...